QR-Codes win mostly

QR-Codes win, mostly.


Triest Transport


Thursday, 23 September 2010

Dot Tel Superbook for iPhone

The Superbook application allows you to quickly and easily navigate .tel data and add .tel domains to your address book.

Superbook extends capabilities of your iPod Touch or iPhone 3.0 or later to read and use your contacts' .tel domains. Look up any public .tel domains instantly to access your friends' latest contact information, keywords and location maps.

Superbook Application
Key Point Description
Full name Superbook iPhone® Application
Current release 1.2.0
Purpose Standalone application for speedily looking up .tel domains and using touch-to-communicate to get connected.
Key features - View and navigate all publicly available .tel information quickly and with minimal data connectivity
- Touch-to-communicate for all supported contact types
- View locations of your friends with an embedded map
Supported languages English only
Supported OS / Device iPhone OS 2.0 and higher
Programming Requires Mac OS X® 10.5, XCode 3.1 and the iPhone SDK 2.0; written in Objective-C and C
Download 900KB
Source code Available via SVN checkout, see Repository Browser.
Install procedure Download and install from the Apple App Store.
Uninstall procedure Standard
Configuration No additional configuration needed.
Known Limitations - Private information not supported.



Friday, 17 September 2010

Telnic's China Adventure: To become a laughing stock?

Telnic's China-Abenteuer

Wie Telnic, die Registry für die Dot-Tel-Internet-Domain (.tel), in ihrem Blog verlauten liess, will sie den chinesischen Markt erobern.

Wie will sie das bewerkstelligen, wenn sie bisher nicht einmal lokale Märkte erschliessen konnte.
Jede Firma muss zuerst an lokalen Orten Prüfungen bestanden haben, und Erfolgreich gewesen sein, bevor sie International einen Erfolg anstrebt, und allenfalls verzeichnen kann.

Weder erfolgreich in London oder Paris, will Telnic gleich den chinesischen Markt erobern....
Das sind nicht gerade die besten Aussichten für einen Erfolg. Und auch angesichts der Vorgeschichte von Telnic: Bisher keine nennenswerten Vekaufserfolge.

Was soll die Träumerei? Ist der Misserfolg schon wieder vorprogrammiert? Wie oft noch, will Telnic ins Fettnäpfchen treten. Vorprogrammierte Selbstverschuldungen, und demonstriete Unfähigkeit, versprochenes zu liefern: Angefangen, beim „Integrieren einer .Tel in eine andere Webseite, bis zum fehlgeschlagenen „Einpflegen von Kundenwerbung innerhalb einer Dot-Tel-Domain“. Alles beim ersten Anlauf fehlgeschlagen. Das Kundenwerbungprojekt, wurde schon gar nicht mehr weiterverfolgt, sondern einem Drittanbieter überlassen. Schliesslich, wurde dann, aber erst viel später, „Integrieren eine .Tel in eine andere Webseite“, dann doch noch von Telnic selbst. auf einen funktionsfähigen Stand gebracht. Telnics Hauptaufmerksamkeit, betreffend eigner Programme oder Software, etc., gilt der iPhone Applikation „My.Tel“, was ja auch offenbar zu gebrauchen ist.

Im Bereich von Marketing, hat Telnic selber praktisch Nichts gemacht. Seit der Verhaftung ihres Haupt-Vizedirektors Fabien Chalandon, wurde es sehr still um Telnic. Es folgen quasi zwei Monate Schweigen. Und die Kommunity, wusste nicht, wies es denn weitergen soll, mit der .Tel.
Es purzelten weiterhin ganze Lawinen von nicht mehr erneuerten .Tel-Domains.

Nach mehr Misserfolgen, Lapsus und Faux-Pas, will nun Telnic China erobern...

Unfähig, im Kleinen eine gute Figur abzugeben, riskiert Telnic mit seinem Vorstoss nach China, dass das Telnic-China-Abenteuer zu einer der grössten Lachnummer wird, in der Geschichte des Internets.

Google Übersetzung in englisch:

How Telnic, the registry for the dot-Tel Internet domain (. Tel), had announced in her blog will she conquer the Chinese market.

How they will do that when they previously could not even open up local markets.
Every company must have first existed as to local places examinations, and have been successful, before seeking an International success, and can list at most.

Neither successful in London or Paris, Telnic will immediately conquer the Chinese market ....
They are not exactly the best prospects for success. And given the history of Telnic: So far no significant Vekaufserfolge.

What is the dream? Is the inevitable failure again? How many more, will enter Telnic put my foot. Preprogrammed own neglect, and demonstriete inability to deliver, promised: Starting with the 'Integrate a. Tel in another web site, to the failed "Entering from canvassing within a Dot-Tel-domain". All failed at the first attempt. The canvassing project, was pursued not matter at all, but left a third party. Finally, it was then, and only much later, "Integrate a. Tel in another website, but then still made by Telnic itself to a working state. Telnics main attention on his own programs or software, etc. is, the iPhone application "My.Tel", which is to be used, too obvious.

In the field of marketing, Telnic himself has done virtually nothing. Since the arrest of the principal deputy director Fabien Chalandon, it was very quiet around Telnic. It followed almost two months silence. And the Kommunity, did not know it was going to weitergen pointed to load. Tel
It tumbled further avalanches of all no longer renewed. Tel-Domains.

After more failures, lapses and Faux Pas, now wants to conquer Telnic China ...

Unable to make a good impression on a small scale, Telnic risked his foray into China, that the Telnic-China adventure is one of the biggest laughing stock in the history of the Internet.

Friday, 3 September 2010



Thursday, 2 September 2010

Telnic co-founder Fabien Chalandon bailed out of jail, for 75'000 Euros

Publié le 13/07/2010 / Le Point.fr

The Court of Appeal of Paris has accepted the request for release of Fabien Chalandon, son of former Justice Minister Albin Chalandon, indicted for violating the law on games of chance, if a rule important bond, officials said a judicial source. The trial chamber of the Court of Appeal of Paris has accepted that sort of prison or under court supervision but must Fabien Chalandon previously able to pay a bail of 75,000 euros, the source said.

In custody since July 1, Fabien Chalandon, 57, has served as technical consultant of the company Visionex, suspected of making internet terminals allowing illegal paris.
He is suspected of having intervened with the Justice Minister, Michele Alliot-Marie, when the latter was Minister of the Interior to encourage the installation of Internet terminals. The manager of the company Visionex based in Nantes (Loire-Atlantique), Olivier Sigoignet, for his part, was indicted last May for "violation of the laws on gambling" and remanded.


Telnic Vice Chairman Fabien Chalandon indicted and jailed

02.07.2010 / leparisien.fr

Quote Fabien Chaladon: ".tel is the biggest innovation in the Internet since the launch of .com."

Fabien Chalandon, son of former Justice Minister Albin Chalandon, was indicted Thursday for violating the law on gambling and incarcerated. Technical Consultant Company Visionex, suspected of making internet terminals allowing illegal paris, man aged 57 was arrested and taken into custody late Tuesday morning in Paris at the premises of the Brigade of repression banditry (BRB).

Paid up to € 10,000 per month for a year and a half Visionex society in exchange for his advice, Fabien Chalandon is suspected of having intervened with Michèle Alliot-Marie, when the latter was Minister of the Interior, to promote the installation of Internet terminals.

During his hearing, Fabien Chalandon reportedly said "being deceived" about the use of these machines by Sigoignet Olivier, the manager of this company based in Nantes (Loire-Atlantique). He acknowledged that the terminals of actually housed illegal gambling. Machines on which players can "lose" fat.

In an interview with Le Parisien, Aujourd'hui en France, son of former Minister of Justice had held that "Olivier Sigoignet underwent grossly unfair", saying even "a conspiracy hatched by several police departments in the balance of PMU and French games (JDF).

INDICTED May 20 for "infringement on the law on games of chance," Olivier Sigoignet has since been remanded in custody.

